The Upper Peninsula Emergency Net was started by the members of the Hiawatha Amateur Radio Club in 1950. It met on 3930 kc at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Sundays. In the late 1950’s, due to interference with Lower Michigan stations, it was changed to 3920 kc 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time.
Some years there were two managers, others, as many as three and four. They were actually called net control stations rather than managers in the early years. Their names were duly recorded on a big switch made by Bill Ala, W8EHE. This continued through 1970. The big switch was put on display at the Upper Peninsula Hamfest. The net time changed to 10:00 a.m. in 1974, then to noon in 1976 and was then called the Upper Peninsula Sunday Noon Net.
In 1964 Bill, W8ZUL decided there should be a net in the evenings. So, along with some other hams, he formed the Upper Peninsula Evening Net on 3920 kc at 6 :00 p.m. Eastern Time. The net meant seven days a week. In 1970 the time was changed to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time, and in 1978 changed to 5:00 p.m. where it remains today. In 1973 due to problems with an eastern net, the frequency changed to 3922 kc, and in August of 1987 to 3921 KHz where it remains at this time. In 1971, The U. P. Emergency Net was merged with the U. P. Evening Net.
The Upper Peninsula Net is a member of the National Traffic System and maintains a liaison with other traffic nets, such as QMN, MNN, MACS, MITN, and GLETN.
The record for check-ins to the U. P Net was in December of 1995 with 2084 for the month. Total check-ins for some various years were, 1981 – 8339; 1987 – 14,650; 2004 – 11,958 with 583 pieces of traffic handled.
Bill, W8ZUL, was named Man of the Year in 1965 for his efforts in forming the net. He became a silent key in 1980, and was honored at the 1980 Upper Peninsula Hamfest by a portrait painted by WD8IXZ, and presented to Bill’s wife Senia. His photo was placed on the cover of the U.P. Ham Directory.
Participation in the Upper Peninsula net is open to any Ham Radio Operator with the proper class of license. Net Check-ins come from both the Upper and Lower Peninsula of Michigan and as far away as propagation will allow. Feel free to join the Net at any session. Seven days a week on 3.921KHz at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time and Sunday at Noon.