Worked All Michigan Counties Award


  1. Work all 83 Michigan Counties
  2. Bands 160 through 2 meters
  3. All modes allowed, phone, cw, digital, EME, and, satellite, no repeater or digipeater contacts, except satellite contacts, no cross mode contacts.
  4. All contacts must be made after January 1, 1964.
  5. Contacts may be made from multiple locations within the same state for U.S. applicants or country for foreign applicants.
  6. General Certification Rules: QSL cards, or copies of E-QSL cards and LOTW QSL Details must be in the applicant’s possession.  Cards or other documents  must show station worked, date, time, frequency, mode and county the station is located in. (see examples)

Stations who have earned CQ Magazines Worked all USA Counties Award may submit their award number and the call(s) that were used to earn the award.  They do not need to fill out the rest of the application.
Two unrelated amateur radio operators holding a General Class license or higher must sign the application attesting to the facts the applicant has put on the application and that the applicant has the cards, copies of electronic cards, or QSL details in their possession.

7.  Special endorsements available for all CW, DIGITAL, EME, OR SATELLITE contacts.  All above rules apply to special endorsements.

8.  Fee, $5.00 U.S.A. applicants- check or money order
Foreign applicants $7.00 – money order only

(Revised rules June 1, 2018)

Worked All Michigan Counties Award